Sunday, 1 May 2022


This UNESCO cover from Spain depicts a stamp issued in 2021 celebrating the "Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in the Coa Valley and Siega Verde", an open-air Paleolithic archaeological UNESCO site shared between Portugal and Spain. In the early 1990s rock engravings were discovered in Vila Nova de Foz Côa (Portugal) during the construction of a dam in the Côa River valley. They include thousands of engraved rock drawings of horses, bovines and other animals, human and abstract figures, dated from 22,000 to 10,000 years B.C. The Prehistoric Rock-Art Sites in the Côa Valley were designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998. The archaelogical site of Siega Verde, province of Salamanca, Spain, was also added to the Côa Valley Paleolithic Art site in the World Heritage List in 2010.