Tuesday, 16 March 2021
This UNESCO cover from Germany depicts a single stamp celebrating the "Fagus Factory in Alfeld".
The Fagus Factory was built by the architect and founder of the Bauhaus Movement Walter Gropius in 1911 and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011. It is regarded worldwide as the original Modernist building.
The architecture of the Fagus Factory takes into account for the first time the need for light, air and clarity. Its glass and steel construction and its unsupported fully glazed corners give the building a weightless elegance, unusual for factories of that time. With its outstanding steel and glass architecture, the architect succeeded in giving a mid-sized company a completely new and non-traditional image. Fagus shoe lasts have been produced in this living monument for over 100 years. This production process has now been enhanced by the corporate divisions associated with GreCon Electronics and Grecon Dimter Machine Construction.