Tuesday, 18 July 2017


A very nice cover from Uzbekistan (my 2nd one from this country), depicting a complete set of 2 stamps + a miniature sheet issued in 2013 on topic "Silk Road".
One stamp illustrates the historic centre of Bukhara, situated on the Silk Route, a city with more than 2.000 years old, the most complete exemple of a medieval city in Central Asia. The other stamp shows the "Itchan Kala", the inner town of the old Khiva oásis, which was the last resting-place of caravans before crossing the desert of Iran. Although few very old monuments still remain, it is a coherent and well-preserved example of the Muslim architecture of Central Asia. Finally, the miniature sheet displays a general view of the Old city of Khiva.
All this places are inscribed at Unesco as World Heritage sites.

Resultado de imagem para bukhara uzbekistanResultado de imagem para bukhara uzbekistan
Resultado de imagem para khiva uzbekistanResultado de imagem para khiva uzbekistan