Sunday 30 June 2024



An amzing cover from Greece. depicting a complete set issued in 2023 celebrating the Archaeological Site of Olympia. Olympia is a small town in Elis on the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece, famous for the nearby archaeological site of the same name. This site was a major Panhellenic religious sanctuary of ancient Greece, where the ancient Olympic Games were held every four years throughout Classical antiquity, from the 8th century BC to the 4th century AD. They were restored on a global basis in 1894 in honor of the ideal of peaceful international contention for excellence. It was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989.


A cover from Russia, depicting the EUROPA 2017 stamp (on the right corner) on topic "Castles". This stamp depicts the St. Michael's Castle (Mikhailovski Castle), a former royal residence in the historic centre of Saint Petersburg. It was built as a residence for Emperor Paul I by architects Vincenzo Brenna and Vasili Bazhenov in 1797-1801. This monument is part of the UNESCO site "Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Minuments". The 'Venice of the North', with its numerous canals and more than 400 bridges, is the result of a vast urban project begun in 1703 under Peter the Great. Later known as Leningrad (in the former USSR), the city is closely associated with the October Revolution. Its architectural heritage reconciles the very different Baroque and pure neoclassical styles, as can be seen in the Admiralty, the Winter Palace, the Marble Palace and the Hermitage. All this group of monuments were recognized by UNESCO as an World Heritage Site in 1990.


Sunday 23 June 2024


This cover from UNO Vienna depicts 3 different stamps, including the 0,51€ stamp on the right, celebrating the Sagarmatha National Park, in Nepal. Sagarmāthā National Park is a national park in the Himalayas of eastern Nepal that was established in 1976 and encompasses an area of 1,148 km2 in the Solukhumbu District. It ranges in elevation from 2,845 to 8,848 m and includes Mount Everest. In the north, it shares the international border with Qomolangma National Nature Preserve in Tibet Autonomous Region. In the east, it is adjacent to Makalu Barun National Park, and in the south it extends to Dudh Kosi river. It is part of the Sacred Himalayan Landscape. Sagarmatha National Park was recognized by UNESCO with the inscription of the park as a world heritage site in 1979.




Sunday 16 June 2024


Namibia, a new country in my collection! This cover depicts a miniature sheet celebrating the World Heritage Site Twyfelfontein or /Ui-/ / aes. Twyfelfontein (Afrikaans: uncertain spring), officially known as ǀUi-ǁAis (Damara/Nama: jumping waterhole), is a site of ancient rock engravings in the Kunene Region of north-western Namibia. It consists of a spring in a valley flanked by the slopes of a sandstone table mountain that receives very little rainfall and has a wide range of diurnal temperatures. The site has been inhabited for 6,000 years, first by hunter-gatherers and later by Khoikhoi herders. Both ethnic groups used it as a place of worship and a site to conduct shamanist rituals. In the process of these rituals at least 2,500 items of rock carvings have been created, as well as a few rock paintings. Displaying one of the largest concentrations of rock petroglyphs in Africa, UNESCO approved Twyfelfontein as Namibia's first World Heritage Site in 2007.




A cover from Australia, depicting a single stamp with a picture of the Twelve Apostles National Park, in Victoria. The Twelve Apostles Marine National Park covers 7500 hectares and is the second largest Marine National Park in Victoria. The park protects a diverse range of species that can be found in the shallow and intertidal reefs and which have been found to have the Victoria’s greatest diversity of invertebrates on limestone reefs.


Saturday 8 June 2024


his cover came from South Africa and depicts a complete set issued in 2011 celebrating the World Heritage Site Cape Floral Region Protected Areas. The site is inscribed at UNESCO's since 2004 and comprises a series of national parks and protected areas that are home to the plants of one of the six floral kingdoms of the world. The area is remarkably rich in biodiversity: although it covers less than 0.5% of Africa, it is home to 20% of plan species of the continent. The fynbos vegetation of fine-leaved shrubland is adapted to a Mediterranean climate of the region and to occasional fires. Many plants rely on pollination and seed dispersal by insects, birds, and mammals. Several plant species are of conservation concern.