Monday, 30 October 2017


An amazing UNESCO cover from Gibraltar, depicting a complete set issued in 2016 celebrating the Gorham's Cave Complex.
The step limestone cliffs on the eastern side of Gibraltar contain four caves with archaelogical deposits that provide evidence of Neanderthal occupation over a span of more than 100.000 years. Scientific research on these sites has already contributed to debates about Neanderthal and human evolution.
The Gorham's Cave Complex is recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site since 2016.

Resultado de imagem para gorham's cave complexResultado de imagem para gibraltar mapa lonely planet


A nice cover from Philippines, depicting a complete set issued in 2017 on topic "Reptiles from the Philippines".


Thursday, 26 October 2017


A cover from Poland, depicting a stamp issued in 2017 on topic "EUROPA - Castles" and celebrating the Pieskowa Skala Castle (14th. century).

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A nice cover from Norway, depicting a complete set issued in 2007 on topic "Marine Life".


Monday, 16 October 2017


A nice Fauna cover from Switzerland, depicting a complete set issued in 1995 with 4 differen species: the European Beaver, the Map Butterfly, the Little Owl and the European Green Treefrog.

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A very nice cover from Estonia, depicting 6 stamps (3 of each type) issued in 2017 on topic "Estonian Fauna", one stamp with the European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) and the other stamp with the European lynx (Lynx lynx).

Resultado de imagem para european turtle doveResultado de imagem para lynx