Trebon basin is a biosphere reserve, declared as protected landscape area by UNESCO, and its located in South Bohemia, near the austrian border.
Sunday, 26 February 2017
Another amazing cover posted in Czech Republic by my germa friend Silvia, depicting a beautiful miniature sheet on topic "National parks and reserves" with Trebon basin.
Trebon basin is a biosphere reserve, declared as protected landscape area by UNESCO, and its located in South Bohemia, near the austrian border.

Trebon basin is a biosphere reserve, declared as protected landscape area by UNESCO, and its located in South Bohemia, near the austrian border.
My friend Silvia from Germany sent me this very nice cover from Czech Republic, depicting a miniature sheet issued in 2010 celebrating 200 years of the birth of K.H. Mácha.
K.H. Mácha (1810-1836) was a czech poet and novelist, representative of czech Romanticism and the founder of modern czech poetry.
K.H. Mácha (1810-1836) was a czech poet and novelist, representative of czech Romanticism and the founder of modern czech poetry.
My friend Luis Giussani from Rome sent me this very nice cover from SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta), with 1 stamp on topic "Nature and Art" depicting some birds on it. This stamp of 2,30 € is part of a set of 4 issued in 2016.
Thursday, 23 February 2017
My cover # 6 from Bhutan, depicting a very nice miniature sheet on topic "Flora and Fauna of Bhutan". The bird we can see is the White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis).
A cover from Lithuania, depicting a joint issue with Estonia and Latvia issued in 2016 on topic The 25th Baltic Assembly.
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
A Fauna cover from Poland, depicting 2 spider stamps. Both stamps are part of a set of 4 stamps issued in 2013.
A cover from Lithuania with a single stamps issued in 2015 on topic "Tourism" - Educational training in nature reserve of Nagliai.
Tuesday, 21 February 2017
An amazing WWF cover from Bhutan, depicting a miniature sheet with the Himalayan Blue Sheep.
This mammal is found in the high mountains Himalayas of Nepal, Tibet, China, India, Pakistan and Bhutan. Blue sheep is inscribed on WWF as a thretened species due to ilegal hunting, human disturbance and habitat loss.

This mammal is found in the high mountains Himalayas of Nepal, Tibet, China, India, Pakistan and Bhutan. Blue sheep is inscribed on WWF as a thretened species due to ilegal hunting, human disturbance and habitat loss.
A nice Fauna cover from Bhutan, depicting a miniature sheet that celebrates the chinese Sheep Year of 2015.
A nice UNESCO cover from Bulgaria, depicting a miniature sheet with Surova folk feast in Pernik region, inscribed on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity since 2015.
The Surova folk feast, a masquerade ritual dating back to pagan times, is held in villages of Pernik region, south of Sofia. It takes place on 13 and 14th of January to celebrate the New Year according to the Julian calendar.
The Surova folk feast, a masquerade ritual dating back to pagan times, is held in villages of Pernik region, south of Sofia. It takes place on 13 and 14th of January to celebrate the New Year according to the Julian calendar.
Saturday, 18 February 2017
A very nice Fauna cover with a miniature sheet from Taiwan, depicting 4 stamps with the Koala (Phascolartcos cimenensis). The koala is an arboreal herbivorous marsupial native from Austrália and its the only extant representative of his family (Phascolarctidae).
A nice Fauna cover from Taiwan, depicting a miniature sheet issued in 2007 with the Red Panda, also called Lesser panda, a mammal native to the eastern Himalayas and the southwestern China.
A WWF cover from Italy, depicting a Giant panda with a panda baby. The giant panda is the rarest member of the bear family and among the world's most threatened animals. Pandas live mainly in bamboo forests in the big mountains of westerm China.

Thursday, 16 February 2017
A nice cover from Faroe Islands that I've prepared to myself, depicting a complete set issued in 2014 on topic "Jellyfish".
An amazing Bird cover from Malaysia, depicting a peculiar miniature sheet issued in 2015 with the Cinnamon Bittern (Ixobrychus cinnamomeus).
A nice Bird cover from Malaysia, depicting a complete set issued in 2015 with 3 different bird species: the Black-crowned night-heron (Nycticorax nycticorax), the Striated heron (Butórides striatus) and the Grey heron (Ardea cinerea).
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
A beautiful Fauna cover from Slovakia, depicting a miniature sheet issued in 2015 on topic "Nature protection - protected landscape área Pol'Ana". Two species are represented in this nice miniature sheet: the Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) and the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra).
A Fauna cover from Malaysia, depicting a complete set of 2 stamps on topic "Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Conservation Project".
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Another colourful Fauna cover from Malaysia on topic "Marine life" or "Underwater life". The cover shows a beautiful miniature sheet with one stamp, depicting 3 different species: the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas) on the left, the Robust Ghostpipefish (Solenostomus cyanopterus) in the middle and finally the Thorny Seahorse (Hippocampus histrix) on the right.
A nice Fauna cover from Malaysia with a miniature sheet issued in 2016 on topic "Primates of Malaysia" The primate depicted on this miniature sheet is Agile Gibbon (Hylobates agilis).
Saturday, 11 February 2017
A nice cover from Slovenia, depicting a minature sheet with Postojna cave. This miniature sheet issued in 2013 celebrates the first underground post office open in the world.
A nice cover from Norway, depicting 2 stamps with the Geiranger fjord, a natural landscape inscribed as a Unesco world heritage site.
Situated in
south-western Norway, north-east of Bergen, Geirangerfjord are part of the west Norwegian fjord landscape, which
stretches from Stavanger in the south to Andalsnes, 500 km to the north-east.
TGeiranger fjord, among the world’s longest and deepest, is considered as
archetypical fjord landscape and among the most scenically outstanding
anywhere. His exceptional natural beauty is derived from their narrow and
steep-sided crystalline rock walls that rise up to 1,400 m from the Norwegian
Sea and extend 500 m below sea level. The sheer walls of the fjords have
numerous waterfalls while free-flowing rivers cross their deciduous and
coniferous forests to glacial lakes, glaciers and rugged mountains. The landscape
features a range of supporting natural phenomena, both terrestrial and marine,
such as submarine moraines and marine mammals.

Norway - Geiranger fjord,
Unesco World Heritage
A Fauna cover from Norway, depicting 2 stamps with the Eurasian elk (alces alces). Both stamps are part of a set of 6 stamps, issued in 2000.
A Fauna cover from Slovenia, depicting a complete set and a mniniature sheet on topic "Anphibians and reptiles", all issued in 2008.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
A very nice work of one of my friends in Rome, Italy! This is a very interesting cover from Vatican City, depicting the EUROPA stamp from Vatican City issued in 2016 on topic "Think Green".
A nice Fauna cover from Slovenia, depicting 2 stamps on topic "Bats". Both stamps are part of a set of 3 stamps and a miniature sheet issued in 2014.
Wednesday, 8 February 2017
A nice Fauna cover from Slovenia, depicting a single stamp and a miniature sheet on topic "Bats". Both stamps are part of a set of 3 stamps and a miniature sheet issued in 2014.
A nice Fauna cover from Slovenia, depicting a complete set and a miniature sheet issued in 2011. All birds are considered as endangered species: eurasian curlew ("A" stamp), white-backed woodpecker ("B" stamp), ortoland bunting ("C" stamp) and white stork (miniature sheet of 0,92 euro).
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
A Fauna cover from Slovenia, depicting a complete set (3 stamps) and a miniature sheet on topic "Snakes", issued in 2009.
Monday, 6 February 2017
A nice Fauna cover from Estonia, depicting several stamps and a small sheet with Horses from year 2006. All the other stamps were issued in different years.
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Another very nice Fauna cover from Oman, with 6 beautiful stamps with Marine Life of Oman. All stamps are part of a set of 12 stamps issued in 1999.
A very nice Fauna cover from Oman, with 6 beautiful stamps with Marine Life of Oman. All stamps are part of a set of 12 stamps issued in 1999.
A Fauna cover from Kazakhstan, depicting a complete set + a miniature sheet issued in 1994 with 7 different species of Reptiles.
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Another beatiful cover from Oman, depicting a complete set issued in 2002 with 4 different species of Turtles: the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys olivácea), the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas), the Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and the Loggerhead (Caretta caretta).
A Birds cover from Netherlands, showing 3 stamps with three different species of birds from the dutch wadden sea. All stamps are part of a set of 8 stamps issued in 2003.
Wednesday, 1 February 2017
A nice UNESCO cover from Portugal with a miniature sheet depicting the University of Coimbra, included in Unesco World Heritage sites since 2013. Situated on a hill overlooking the city, the University of Coimbra with its
colleges grew and evolved over more than seven centuries within the old town.
Notable university buildings include the 12th century Cathedral of Santa
Cruz and a number of 16th century colleges, the Royal Palace of
Alcáçova, which has housed the University since 1537, the Joanine Library with
its rich baroque decor, the 18th century Botanical Garden and University
Press, as well as the large “University City” created during the 1940s. The
University’s edifices became a reference in the development of other
institutions of higher education in the Portuguese-speaking world where it also
exerted a major influence on learning and literature. Coimbra offers an
outstanding example of an integrated university city with a specific urban
typology as well as its own ceremonial and cultural traditions that have been
kept alive through the ages.
An amazing UNESCO cover from Malaysia, depicting a complete issue of 4 stamps with 4 sites in Malaysia considered by Unesco as World heritage. The four sites that we can see in this beautiful cover are:
Kinabalu Park, in the State of Sabah on the northern end of the island of Borneo, is dominated by Mount Kinabalu (4,095 m), the highest mountain between the Himalayas and New Guinea. It has a very wide range of habitats, from rich tropical lowland and hill rainforest to tropical mountain forest, sub-alpine forest and scrub on the higher elevations. It has been designated as a Centre of Plant Diversity for Southeast Asia and is exceptionally rich in species with examples of flora from the Himalayas, China, Australia, Malaysia, as well as pan-tropical flora.
Melaka and George Town, Historic Cities of the Straits of Malacca
Melaka and George Town, historic cities of the Straits of Malacca have developed over 500 years of trading and cultural exchanges between East and West in the Straits of Malacca. The influences of Asia and Europe have endowed the towns with a specific multicultural heritage that is both tangible and intangible. With its government buildings, churches, squares and fortifications, Melaka demonstrates the early stages of this history originating in the 15th-century Malay sultanate and the Portuguese and Dutch periods beginning in the early 16th century. Featuring residential and commercial buildings, George Town represents the British era from the end of the 18th century. The two towns constitute a unique architectural and cultural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia.
Tanan Negara National Park
Situated in the lush Lenggong Valley, the property
includes four archaeological sites in two clusters which span close to
2 million years, one of the longest records of early man in a single
locality, and the oldest outside the African continent. It features open-air
and cave sites with Palaeolithic tool workshops, evidence of early technology.
The number of sites found in the relatively contained area suggests the
presence of a fairly large, semi-sedentary population with cultural remains
from the Palaeolithic, Neolithic and Metal ages.
Kinabalu ParkKinabalu Park, in the State of Sabah on the northern end of the island of Borneo, is dominated by Mount Kinabalu (4,095 m), the highest mountain between the Himalayas and New Guinea. It has a very wide range of habitats, from rich tropical lowland and hill rainforest to tropical mountain forest, sub-alpine forest and scrub on the higher elevations. It has been designated as a Centre of Plant Diversity for Southeast Asia and is exceptionally rich in species with examples of flora from the Himalayas, China, Australia, Malaysia, as well as pan-tropical flora.
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